What's your favourite part of a build?
Decks and any finishing work. Those final few touches really bring a house together
Love creating something final that the client will actually see.
What's your least favourite part of a build?
Like it all! it’s diverse enough a bad job might only last a week and the second part of that job is better anyway. Can’t beat the weather unfortunately working in the elements at any stage of a builds no good.
Has Skating ever resulted in injuries and time off work?
So far no, hopefully that continues.
Do you skate with work in mind these days to limit injuries and time off work?
 No, try take my mind off everything when I skate.
Ever built your own Skate ramp or obstacles. If yes, what was it?
 3-4 rails, Few grind ledges.
How long did it take & is it still being used?
Took longer when I was a grom to build, but all super easy now. Few have been passed on others recycled for other wee projects.
We hear you are off travelling soon… Give us a glimpse of your next 12 months...
 Skate, site see, snowboard and a whole lot of play.